
As I told in blog's description, my site is about my recent experience with Toyota and one of their top products - Land Cruiser 120 Prado.

This is not a complaint, this is a warning. This is a warning for the people who thinks that a "legendary" brand + your money = your great experience...

Also, I will show you what CCS (Complete Customer Satisfaction) and "Customer First" concept, one of Toyota's main commitments, stands for in my case.


  1. Hey,

    I would really appreciate your experience since I'm also considering buying either Toyota Prado or VW Touareg.

    So, looking forward for your posts!


  2. Would you explain how the curtain airbags would have helped?

    You seem to have only had bruises, no?

  3. Thank you very much!

    I'm amazed you survived in the crash, your car's roof is just smashed like a can.

    Thank you for a warning!

  4. Thank you for the question about our injuries and curtains.

    Injuries: We had a lot of hematomas (including our child), but not only. I wrote about this because this was an obvious fact. There were other things also.

    Our child now has a nervous tic and his doctor said that this looks like a crash consequence. Presumably, we also had concussions of the brain (basing on our observations like headaches).

    Please see my post about "Other safety information sources" and "Roll-sensing side curtain air bags" to see how RSCA-like systems help. I will post more info on this later.

  5. Hi,

    The car looks like it was a dangerous situation. If the car rolledover, it must have been serious.
    Good that on the whole: You are ok. That is most important.
